Native to rivers + estuaries of the Black Sea, the tubenose goby was first found in North America in the St. Clair River during the late 1980s/early ‘90s. It's also now found in western Lake Erie and in around the ports of Thunder Bay + Duluth

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Tubenose gobies are part of the Gobiidae family, one of the largest fish families with ~2000 described species found in both fresh + saltwater habitats across the planet. Like other gobies, the tubenose is relatively small, rarely > 4 in (11 cm) long

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On the eleventh day of my true love gave to me... eleven pipefish piping,

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In their native range, pink salmon have a strict 2-year life cycle and die after spawning. This results in salmon that spawn in even years being genetically distinct from those spawning in odd years, even if they spawn in the same location

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Pink salmon’s scientific name “gorbuscha” is based on their Russian common name: gorbúša (горбуша) - literally, “humpie." And for good reason: look at those lovely lad-y humps males develop during spawning!

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deepsea triangle
I would fly you like a kite
please explain your face

Caribbean Roughshark (Oxynotus caribbaeus), Data Deficient requested by

📸 and for Sharks of the World

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Steelhead are native to North America west of the Rockies, but have been introduced for food/sport in at least 45 countries + every continent except Antarctica. They were first introduced to the in 1876 when fish were stocked into MI’s Au Sable River

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Steelhead + rainbow trout are actually the same species, but with different lifestyles: steelhead are migratory (born in rivers but move to the ocean or while rainbows are river homebodies

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On the sixth day of my true love gave to me ... six swell sharks laying,

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For the 4th day of the an emperor juvenile 🐟☀️🌺 (21 to go...)

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But like helping Scrooge learning the error of his ways, this Ghost of Past tells us all is not lost: many researchers + agencies across the are working to protect + restore native Ciscoes - check out + tagged tweeps for more!

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While native to east Asia, goldfish have been widely-introduced across the world because of their popularity as aquarium + pond fish. They’ve been found in every contiguous US state + all the

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Adult silver lampreys use their suction-like mouths to attach to a host fish + feed on flesh/body fluids (yum). They live 12-20 months as parasites before migrating up streams to spawn, and then die after spawning (like salmon!)

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Silver lampreys are members of a group of jawless, ancient fish called Petromyzontiformes - their name “Ichthyomyzon” literally means “fish-sucker” (Greek, ichthys = fish + myzo = to suckle)

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i got comissioned by to draw 's OCs Dias and Dec as a super secret Christmas gift for them !! (Merry Fishmas Myax im only a few hours late because work.jpeg)

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"Please enjoy, it's is one of my favorites!"

2018. I like to think that Abe Sapien gifts people with rare books.

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