Decided to join in on nickocreates challenge. Definitely felt today's image could be interpreted in a style. And of course, I couldn't stop at just one. What's your favourite? 1/2

3 11

Day 13: something you’ve wanted to learn

Isometric grids ✅

1 19

Something you’ve [always] wanted to learn, something I'll need tomorrow tapes on random path... day 13.

2 41

Something you’ve always wanted to learn.
I've wanted to learn to use the vector math in which made drawing and tiling polygons easier.

2 12

2023 Day 11 // Tesselation
I had hoped this would come out more similar to escher's metamorphosis, but this is cool too.

0 7

Should've gone with for 9 on plants.

0 1

Press space to toggle the lighting
Try to follow the over/under behavior of the ... things

2 8

Started w cube/zigzag tessellation, ended up making minimal landscapes

Neighborhood, pyramids, mtns, power lines

1 8

'Suprematist composition'
(but it's arrows & other tightly-curved shapes that mean nothing but are arranged nicely)

Sharpies and pen on graph paper - sike! only

May be plottable? Would require a lot of sharpies.

I like it...
prompt by

2 13

Genuary day - Suprematism

Today was texture workout day. My baby texture muscles are sore, but I think I have the foundations to take this somewhere good later this year.

1 7