There are eight different species of found in the worlds oceans. Only one of is found in the Adult males do not feed during mating season and can lose up to 20 percent of their total weight.

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Happy birthday to my partner of 10 years. Thank you for somehow wrangling the two neediest creatures in the Western Hemisphere.


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It's summer in the northern hemisphere. I hope you guys have a cool day!

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The catalog of images named after French astronomer Charles Messier includes some of the most fascinating astronomical objects that can be observed from Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. Take a closer look at images captured by our telescope:

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shows migration patterns in the western hemisphere. Beautiful to watch. The article points to which is a super cool citizen-science project collecting bird data. Source:

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It's almost season in the Northern hemisphere. Hope to spot a few trees this year 🤗🌸🌸🌸👀🤞xoxo

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Warm winter greetings from eight animals that spend winter hibernating. ❄️❄️(Is eight right? I counted them three times and still don't feel confident.) And warm jealous greetings to the Southern Hemisphere.

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False-color view from NASA's spacecraft shows clouds in Saturn's northern hemisphere.

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To my dear friends in the northern hemisphere. Have a great !!

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Diencephalon: midsagittal section, medial view of the right hemisphere. From Gilroy and MacPherson's Atlas of…

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It's finally the first day of fall! (In the Northern hemisphere.) Here's some bad news abo…

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It was the last day of Summer today in the Southern Hemisphere.

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Traveling on the longest travelater in the Southern Hemisphere. 👯

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For those in the Eastern Hemisphere...

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