Thank you so much Myzoooo 😭💞
My name's Melanie (Mel for short), I love to draw my OCs, fanart, and occasionally just silly doodles!! Here are some of my examples!

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is a symbol of in Japan owing to its friendly nature and ability to live in groups. Approximately 5000 papers have been published with these as study

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These creatures are often seen tending to the sick, the old and the injured in their group, which is known as ‘pod’. are not migratory but will move to places where food and the climatic conditions are suitable.

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cannot chew, so they swallow their prey in whole pieces. They may go for larger but will attack them from behind and bite through them at the gills, ingesting the body without the head.

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A is a cluster of growing together and gives reefs their shape. Great in are between 5 and 10,000 years old. made up of 900 smaller reefs, covers 2,600 miles.

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The of a is known also as the spinal blade. It is located in the mid-area of the tail, and can secrete

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otter is heaviest member of the family but among the smallest marine Their primary form of insulation is an exceptionally thick coat of the densest in the animal kingdom.

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also called the or the gelada is a species of Old World monkey found only in the Ethiopian Highlands. It has small, sturdy fingers adapted for pulling grass.

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have tube feet operated by a hydraulic system and a mouth at the centre of their surface. They are opportunistic feeders and are mostly predators. They occupy several significant ecological roles.

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create lasting bonds with each other and are very rather similar to  They have the ability to learn the precise details of an area over 1,000 acres in size.

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President signed (2016) the National Bison Act into making the bison the national mammal of the US. joins the ranks of the bald as the official of the country.

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There are six species of in the world; the is the only one with plumage. All spoonbills have large, flat, spatulate bills and feed by wading through shallow water.

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is the only true and indicator of a Most of them eat insects, have one baby a year and can live up to 30 years.

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are similar to but smaller and also live in Wallaby young are born tiny and continue to develop in their mothers’ Even when they leave the pouch, they often return when threaten.

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are also known as the little grebe and Australian grebe who can grow up to 27 cm long. They are good swimmers and divers, and when they feel threatened, prefer to underwater than fly away.

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can be long up to 20cm and are able to glide. They often glide as long as 60 m. They live in South Asia.

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A is the offspring of a male and a female Although there are male and female mule they can’t reproduce because of the number of they inherited.

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are gentle creatures from South who live in Scientific name means ‘slow feet’ in Greek. An extra vertebrae at the base of their neck allows them to turn their head on a 270° axis.

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are the most colourful members of the family. They are shy woodland famous for their feeding habits and in the you may see them burying acorns for retrieving later in the

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