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@myzodraws Thank you so much Myzoooo 😭💞
My name's Melanie (Mel for short), I love to draw my OCs, fanart, and occasionally just silly doodles!! Here are some of my examples!
#harbor #porpoise cannot chew, so they swallow their prey in whole pieces. They may go for larger #fish, but will attack them from behind and bite through them at the gills, ingesting the body without the head. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
A #coral #reef is a cluster of #polyps growing together and gives reefs their shape. Great #BarrierReef in #Australia, are between 5 and 10,000 years old. made up of 900 smaller reefs, covers 2,600 miles. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
The #stinger of a #stingray is known also as the spinal blade. It is located in the mid-area of the tail, and can secrete #venom. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
#sea otter is heaviest member of the #weasel family but among the smallest marine #mammals. Their primary form of insulation is an exceptionally thick coat of #fur, the densest in the animal kingdom. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
#gelada, also called the #bleeding-heart #monkey or the gelada #baboon, is a species of Old World monkey found only in the Ethiopian Highlands. It has small, sturdy fingers adapted for pulling grass. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
#Starfish have tube feet operated by a hydraulic system and a mouth at the centre of their surface. They are opportunistic feeders and are mostly predators. They occupy several significant ecological roles. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo #sea
#Turkeys create lasting #social bonds with each other and are very #affectionate; rather similar to #dogs. They have the ability to learn the precise details of an area over 1,000 acres in size. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
President #Obama signed (2016) the National Bison #Legacy Act into #law, #officially making the #American bison the national mammal of the US. #bison joins the ranks of the bald #eagle as the official #symbol of the country. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
There are six species of #spoonbill in the world; the #Roseate #Spoonbill is the only one with #pink plumage. All spoonbills have large, flat, spatulate bills and feed by wading through shallow water. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
#bat is the only true #flying #mammal and indicator of a #healthy #environment. Most of them eat insects, have one baby a year and can live up to 30 years. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
#Wallabies are similar to #kangaroos but smaller and also live in #Australia. Wallaby young are born tiny and continue to develop in their mothers’ #pouch. Even when they leave the pouch, they often return when threaten. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
#Grebes are #waterbirds, also known as the little grebe and Australian grebe who can grow up to 27 cm long. They are good swimmers and divers, and when they feel threatened, prefer to #dive underwater than fly away. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
#Flying #lizard can be long up to 20cm and are able to glide. They often glide as long as 60 m. They live in South Asia. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
A #mule is the offspring of a male #donkey and a female #horse. Although there are male and female mule they can’t reproduce because of the number of #chromosomes they inherited. #animals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo
#Sloths are gentle creatures from South #America who live in #trees. Scientific name #Bradypus means ‘slow feet’ in Greek. An extra vertebrae at the base of their neck allows them to turn their head on a 270° axis. #anijmals #nature #illustration #Art #300animals #myzoo