Commission for NightWorker on Discord!

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Asasiel is a powerful Lyran lightbeing who serves as Ashtar's avatar in the upcoming SKY GODZ graphic novel ASHTAR: Return to Venus.

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Rough sketch of Asasiel, a powerful lightbeing who serves as Ashtar's avatar in the upcoming SKY GODZ graphic novel ASHTAR: Return to Venus.

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Lightbeings are common throughout the universe but the Lyrans are some of the most evolved and of the higest density.

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Lightbeings from Lyra are featured in the opening scene of the upcoming SKY GODZ trailer and are the original builder race.

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The Lyrans are one of the creator races that seeded many races in the universe. They are found mostly around the Vega system.

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Astor is a commanding officer at the Galactic Federation headquarter on Sirius B and also a member of the Solar Cross.

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Lightbeings are common throughout the universe but the Lyrans are some of the most evolved and of the higest density.

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Lightworker's Scepter - Another commission from my Kickstarter! A little overpowered for my own games...but each group is different! Giving me sailor moon vibes🌟

Fancy a deck of DnD item cards? check out my Kickstarter!:

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