- Oh. My. God
- What??
- We just killed maybe the last dragon in this world
- He was a douche...
- We just killed the only creature who could actually kill my mother the Intoner
- So, how does it feel?
- ... It was awesome

Aka another piece of DoD3 i didnt show yet

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she prolly has my favorite intoner design

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doodle of my favorite intoners
Four doesn't get enough love smh

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Intoner One .... so thankful her clothes are more forgiving to draw....

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Para el diseño de las Intoner Drakengard 3, Yoko Taro indicó a Fujisaka que tuviera en cuenta a las protagonistas de Madoka Magica. Se pueden notar las similitudes en especial en alguos casos, como Three y Homura.

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the murderous intoner

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