DOD3 10周年!

5 32


1830 6690

Reposting this for Drakengard 3 anniversary!
Happy 10th anniversary to my favorite heroine 🥺❤️

249 1013

Drakengard3 zero

4726 28858

Caim and Angelus
this art style is super experimental so excuse the roughness!! im pretty proud of the lighting though.

51 108

「 •Drakengard 3• 」

Zero but in a suit

396 1146

Day 2 of begging and to release a Drakengard Trilogy remaster (yes, i know 2 isn't in the NieR timeline)...the modern world needs to know how we got to NieR!

0 0

Lady Four, aka Dumbass Little Creature (aka my beloved)

6 14

x sketch

Zero, Blade of Mikhail

Guilty pleasure sketch that started on the train and finished on the plane

Maybe eventually I’ll do all the sisters idk

15 48

Oh yeah should probably finish this series

6 30

Best girl Two
who is yours (dont say Four)

53 129