Constantly shifting figure. Dance and drawing, creating a gap, rolling and marking, following intuition.

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What I find most funny is that Saiki doesn't understand basic intuition. He's so used to making logical conclusions that he hardly uses his emotions to figure some stuff out.

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Mia Pinjuh on how to get in touch with your creative intuition.

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If you feel a strong heart connection to a person & you can't explain why, follow your intuition. If it leads you to a beautiful path, don't listen to those who lead you away from that path. They're not your friends but snakes in disguise.

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Came across this lovely graphic while learning about Ransomware. More negative about
Don't let this sway your intuition.

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People ask me how they can increase their My first answer is always Remember there are many ways to find the one that works for you!

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Major Arcana XVIII: The Moon

The Moon is the card of illusion and intuition. Not everything is what it seems and darkness clouds your path. Follow the moon’s light and trust your intuition to guide you and help you uncover the hidden truths or fears lurking in the dark

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Your sixth chakra is motivated by knowledge, reflection, and intuition. The third eye chakra symbolizes your connection to wisdom and insight, allowing you to access the inner guidance that comes from deep within your being.

Art by

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Sometimes when I’m working on a painting, I feel so connected to a deeper sense of myself and it seems like I can be very present and tapped into my intuition. My goal is to live in this present state most of my life but it’s so hard with all of life’s d…

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The process behind our artistic direction is very nuanced. It is a rather, uh, “freestyle” process that involves a lot of feedback, development, & artist’s intuition. Like this Plague Rat of Doom doodle, the conversation went:

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Violet stimulates higher vibrational thought & enhances intuition.

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(1/2) According to numerology the number 11 possesses the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition....

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Voice- Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

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Don't dodge your Intuition.
Shit's gonna balance itself out, whether you like it or not.
Might as well enjoy it.

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Haha shape psychology, huh ? Let’s call it intuition.

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Intellect confuses intuition.-Mondrian

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Intellect confuses intuition. -Mondrian

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