Next up in the roster: Skull, aka Ryuji! If I can get at least one main cast member done a week, I'll be finished up in no time!

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Following the kick, finished up this portrait of from not too long ago. I actually completely forgot about him being a thing until two days ago, lol

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My warmup sketch today made me laugh quite a bit

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what a cute Kirby hat! What special attack does he get with it? HE GETS A GUN

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He's pretty handsome! Perfect Husbando.

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I can't wait to see Ren punch Mario in the face woo

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Now that my boy Joker is here, we just need Persona 5 on Switch 👌😤

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I think it'd be really cool if alternate colours in are based off all his friends, so I drew some mock-ups!! I can't wait to see what he'll be like!

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Honestly, my whole piece about the similarities of Metal and Milk Wars was based on this one thought-- what's scarier, a Jokerized Batman or an Ozzie & Harriet version of Lobo?

I'm honestly leaning towards Lobo in the sweater and pipe.

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Well! I am amazed already 300 followers, thanks and here is a nice drawing of an unusual plankton... a Ceratium jokeri

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Paavo Väyrynen on näytellyt lavalla Urho Kekkosta, valkokankaalla... no, itseään. Vaan entäs jos hän olisi joskus valinnut toisin, ja näytellytkin rohkeasti jotain räväkkää populaarikulttuurihahmoa? Ajatus oli niin kajahtanut että tein kuvan Paavosta Jokerina.

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So my friend and I are working on a crossover comic called Joker's Finest Hour
all jokerized

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