My sister let us unite under the energy of love!💙💜💚❤👑💎

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“Today even in the toughest situation, U still have the power of love to embrace the day with a smile and send positive energies into the world 🌎❤️🙌👨‍👩‍👧‍👦”.~ Salwin Anand

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Kindness is innate in who I am & how I do things~Love & Light is innate in all that I am~Let's give the best of who we are to everyone we reach out to, that we correspond with, to touch each & everyone~Love, Light & Kindness is the World that we live it~LOVE U

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“U are made of all elements you eat breath live love daily. One must remember to Nourish every step U take for U are also care takers of the garden U standing on”.~ Salwin Anand

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Blessings to All 🌎🙏 Even in difficult time Stay positive stay healthy keep inspiring life keep motivated and keep sharing the power of positive blessings. Keep smiling keep shining & Have a bless day☝️❤️🌎🙌🙏~Salwin Anand

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ღ We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care of what you think. ღ ~ S. Vivekananda

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don't wait for someone to bring you flowers. plant your own garden and decorate your own soul


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ღ The kingdom of Heaven is within you; and whosever shall know himself shall find it. ღ ~ Ancient Egyptian Proverb

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ღ Love is the light that dissolves all walls between souls... ღ ~ P. Yogananda

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I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. ~Og Mandino

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