Hopeful Heart

Hope is when you can
still see the light during
the darkest of times.
It’s when you decide
to keep holding on
despite the pain,
knowing that the sun
will eventually shine for
you again. ♥️

M. Korach

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My poem As I Love You. I hope you enjoy it. It’s from the heart.💗#StarfishClub

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This poem Morning Reflection was written in memory of my grandmother who was the most positive person I ever met.

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Looking forward to enjoying some cookies that a very kind student made for me with his family to celebrate the wonderful year we had!

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Maybe if I lead the way today only one person will follow. But maybe someone will follow that person next & so on. Seems hopeful to me, & quite frankly I would rather be hopeful. I would rather believe that something wonderful could happen if I keep trying.

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- Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas. May the true spirit of Christmas shine in your heart and light your path!

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