Kami ini dulunya penyedia jasa illustrasi digital di sebuah platform luar negeri.
Namun seiring perkembangan zaman yang 'dibuat' semakin mundur, kami memutuskan untuk membuka kursus membuat api.

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kira-kira seperti ini…

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We listed New Komainu here!
This is all handwritten and we talk about Japanese OTAKU culture and cosplay and more!

Komainu heroes 052
Komainu heroes 053

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Erich vs Loran
"Mending Nyerang kominfo"

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Life without Kominfo. Life with Kominfo.

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It's fucking baffling and laughable how Illegal Pinjol, Gambling game is legal

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From this day our government Departments system communication aka kominfo has block steam,epic store game and etc even paypal who has registered yesterday has been blocked yeah sound ridicoulus.
Pict I stole from artis all credit goes for him.

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Pagi-pagi weekend mestinya ceria, jadi muram karena pemerintah sudah memblokir PayPal, Steam, dan berbagai situs penting lainnya. Terima kasih pemerintah yang sudah membuat hidup kami semakin rumit.

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I dont know if im gonna make her as part of my Original Characters roster...

moga PayPal bisa di unblock sebelum akhir tahun pls laa kominfo...

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Aliens are real??? 🛸

VTuber vs IRL

🎨: @.kominica

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