Website ga nurut peraturan PSE yg cacat itu, ANCAM. Masalah semut beginian aja, BLOKIR. Giliran data penduduk sana sini bocor, BANTAH.

🌿Ancam. Blokir. Bantah.🌿

TL;DR klarifikasi kominfo atas kebocoran data SIM:

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Me to everyone working at Kominfo
I pray to thou, the almighty all-knowing.

19 115

This (the first one) got more attention than what I expected to be, so umm yea that's it.

70 371

This week was one hell of a roller coaster

I supposed to celebrate Islamic New Year with good mood for such a good day, and what we got is Kemenkominfo starting the new year with committing sins against the entire country.

Fanart of Lia Jadis, OC by

4 11

Moesia 862 - Game Indonesia (2)
Penghubung ke dunia luar aja diblokir, gimana mau maju negeri ini.

65 230

Some things might be unblocked already but DO NOT STOP

It's for our every internet rights and even our private data is in danger

162 557

Selain PayPal, mereka juga berencana menerapkan blokir ini ke seluruh internet sampai semua situs mau setuju untuk melanggar privasi pengguna atas desakan Kominfo melalui DNS nasional

Katanya benci komunis, tapi kelakuan kayak negara komunis

43 220

"Berdamai? Setelah kalian memblokir sumber hiburan dan nafkah kami??"

1 11

*pov you're digital artist living in Indonesia 🤦‍♀️

69 430

I rarely rant about problems in my country, but it's gone too far. My life depends on Paypal and they blocked it fr. The current solution to unbanned Paypal for just 5 days is so fucking dumb. So to support the movement, I made this...

250 913

Wow Kominfo...... you're so great at making stupid decision

108 592

Kami ini dulunya penyedia jasa illustrasi digital di sebuah platform luar negeri.
Namun seiring perkembangan zaman yang 'dibuat' semakin mundur, kami memutuskan untuk membuka kursus membuat api.

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