Puta que es hermoso este comic. Para mí, lo mejor de Miller, y Mazzuchelli en otro nivel.

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In my not so humble opinion, the very best page ever perpetrated in the medium. That is all. Batman

8 40

Batman : Year One (1987) covers by David Mazzucchelli w/ Richmond Lewis

418 1957

Emparejador de - L

David Mazzucchelli (26/7/1993) y Benoît van Innis (6/8/2001)


2 3

Marvel Fanfare (1988)

Looks like David Mazzuchelli begins to transition into his non-mainstream style in this one.

0 12

Quinto dibujo del Six fanart challenge, cuando vi que propusieron a Daredevil fueron instantáneas las ganas de dibujarlo, hace poco leí Renacido escrita por Frank Miller, dibujada por David Mazzucchelli y bueno inclinaron la balanza

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My new comic book crush is David Mazzucchelli’s Black Widow

22 159

Daredevil by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli “Born Again” BA part 4. An injured Matt is nursed to health by Sister Maggie while an obsessed Kingpin looks to find where he’s hiding. Karen Page returns to NY looking for Matt’s help and Ben Urich grapples with his injury.

23 106

Daredevil by Denny O’Neil, Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli. Melvin Potter is forced into a life of crime as the Gladiator again after his girlfriend is kidnapped and a mentally troubled Daredevil, who’s life is falling apart is none to happy about it.

18 108

Splash pages to Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli’s 1987 arc “Batman: Year One”.

📖: Batman - Batman

5 11

Venga, vamos con unos Batmans para alegrar los ojos. Bernie Wrightson, David Mazzucchelli, Bill Sienkiewicz y Enrique Corominas nos dan su visión del personaje.

4 15

got tagged by to list my top 4 favorite comics!

Dorohedoro by Q Hayashida
Feast For A King by
Asterios Polyp by David Mazzucchelli
Gunshow by

0 6

"Architetto no. Architetta? Suonava ridicolo. La donna pittore è una pittrice, la donna miniatore miniatrice. Architettrice, dunque."
🎨 Allegoria dell'Architettura, 1565

23 27

Francesco Borromini viveva con la serva, modestamente, in una casa priva d'arredi e ricca solo di quadri e libri.
Un tipo scorbutico, misantropo e ipocondriaco.

19 19

Mi dedicai a mio padre, privandomi di tutto. Ogni giorno suo era

sottratto a me. Anni di impazienza, dolore, tenerezza.


Julia Margaret Cameron, 1866

54 49

Il matrimonio non è rose e fiori. Ma i mariti passano, i figli restano.

Sono l’unica cosa che conta.


Jan Steen, Festa per una nascita 1664

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Giuseppe Mazzuoli il Bastaruolo (c. 1536 - 9 November 1589) was an Italian painter.Virgen on el niño y santos San Francesco Ferrara

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