Sonya and one of her never ending re-designs

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I had quite a few drafts for a bunch more characters, but these are the only one's I made coloured art for, as least that I remember. Here's the "Fulcrum", "Foxhound", and "Flanker". (3/3)

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Was also thinking of doing a shmup with these characters. Don't remember how those pole-tomahawks would have worked. Here's the "Viper" and "Hornet". (2/3)

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5 or so years ago, I had a game concept called "Angel Killer" with fighter jet type characters. Been sitting on the concept, as I don't have the means/skills to code the style of gameplay I envisioned for it. Here's the "Eagle" and "Tomcat" (1/3)

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Some good ol'

is so fun to draw

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A mecha girl based on my Soldius design - far before the actual image of the soldius I posted.

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first attempt on mechamusume and i had to give up on fixing the other leg. wish i could do this better.

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Late start, around 7PM. We'll see if we get anything done. Working on shading the rest of the Allied navy.

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