Mechanicus sherif via /r/ImaginaryTechnology

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I'll lead us off: I loved Ifan in Divinity 2 and his gruff but warm demeanor. In 40k Mechanicus, Khepra was great, and her concern for her troops is refreshing. Ciaphas Cain is a hilarious protagonist in his novels. Rinkah is a big lady with a big weapon and a solid personality.

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Ciaphas Cain (The Ciaphas Cain novels/Warhammer 40k), Khepra (Warhammer 40k Mechanicus), Ifan Ben-Medz (Divinity: Original Sin 2), and Rinkah (Fire Emblem Fates)

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Back to imperials with the Cardinal Archivists battlefleet supported by an Ark Mechanicus and a fuel transporter full of Irn Bru!

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"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me"

Adeptus Mechanicus fan art

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Didn't want to leave them unfinished for next year, Adeptus Mechanicus skitariii, first edition roster, Ill need few more to have second ed fireteams.

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Going Live with Mechanicus and Sage leveling later!

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Adeptus Mechanicus likes this specimen

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Behold! The New Knight of the Nearl House

- Presented by Adeptus Mechanicus Mayer, with 100MW volcano cannon

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Second batch of Halloween outfits for cool peeps!
in a Gainax Mech
as a full-on werewolf!
donning the Dark Mechanicus Heretek role
and not to say the least, emerging from his fleshy Human suit!

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hmmmmmmmm evil surgeon adeptus mechanicus mechagnome

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Thanks for coming to the Surveytsudan and Model Builder stream everyone! I've got a lot of ideas for upcoming streams, we got the Dark Mechanicus all ready for the armies on parade board, and we even have a rough design for the Dorks (that's all you nerds).

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