Kinda messing around with effects on medibang, sorry about the linework, draw with mouse is a torture 👁️U👁️

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Primer dibujo hecho con la tablet en el programa de Ibis y en Mediabang .
Primer dibujo Ibis
Segundo Mediabang

Es bastante confuso jsjs
Veamos cómo será en laptop👀👀

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Estoy de vuelta ajajajaj

No tengo idea de lo que dibuje, solo se que me da flojera dibujar fondos 👊🏻🤡

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Just some cooldown drawings before I attempt my next project

Also does anyone know any recording programs that work with mediabang pro?

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Here's another I did over on IG
🌟Original by ZaguaArts🌟
I really should have gone with this background instead of the red one😅

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Smile!~★ What made you smile today? ≧▽≦

2 16

Un dibujo hecho con el mediabang,probando nuevo programas y acostumbrándome a la tableta para cuando podamos salir a la calle tranquilos

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Treininho de anatomia e pintura, e meu deus, Ibis Paint e bem melhor que mediabang, puta que pariu

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Я нарисовала модных мальчиков :"

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I hate mediabang so much I can't finish

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A drawing I've made on mediabang paint I mainly use ibispaint x, but they don't have that on the computer

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Мы не эмо мы не панки мы подружки лесбиянки.
А за нами кабачковый король...

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