画質 高画質


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Art! Jujur, aku gak begitu suka sm artsyle ku. Sll nganggep art ku jelek jir, tp pas prosesnya susah juga 😢💔🤌. Btw ayo berkawand dgn kine <3

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Tehe! Bisa dilihat terlihat bahwa ada 2 artsyle dalam 1 gambar digital. Genshinart versi scrmn au 😋☝️

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man looks so artsy wtf

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think bertie wasnt living to her full potential with the typical artsywak body type i gave her, so i tried changing it up a bit

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Art! Guys, sender kepengen buka commis lagi. Awal pertama kali buka commis fullbody 80k. Menurut kalian, sender naikin harga fullbody dgn artsyle begini(beserta background) kira kira pasang harga berapa ya? Trims❤️

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I joined IDHF ArtsyleSwap and got to remake Reine in 's artsyle
Tis very refreshing to try another artist's artsyle
I hope I did well ✌️

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Art! Kalau artsyle gini buka commis kita kira berapa ya? Helep sender dong 🫰

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My artsyle doesn't change much, just the way i color things depends on my mood https://t.co/XyUhz2fKxb

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See you soon~
🎨: @/OhMinsoo12
Debut TODAY 8pm CST/ Gmt-5

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I was looking at some 90's anime artsyles and picked up on a few things from color to line construction.

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\ G L O R Y G I R L /
16x20 acrylic paint 🎨 on canvas
IG : nappy_goku

Another commission done . This collection might be one of my signature pieces .

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