ホロライブ5期生、桃鈴ねねさん(@ momosuzunene)のベレー帽と眼鏡のLive2dを追加させていただました!


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Ohayo Gozaimasu Momosuzu Nene. Nenechi Dance.

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Subarashi Stream Momosuzu Nene and happy Halloween.

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Ohayo Gozaimasu Momosuzu Nene. 😊

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Tanoshinde Momosuzu Nene. Wish you the best with Slitherio.

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Subarashi Momosuzu Nene. APEX Tanoshi, ganbatte tanoshinde ne.

1 1

桃鈴ねね [] ホロライブ


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홀로x포케 프로젝트 No.03 모모스즈 네네x깜지곰

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