46. Tebak panel (pict 1) [+5]
47. Kemana perginya nirvana dan apa kalimat yang paling dia benci? [+5]
48. Dimana tempat yang menerima pengaruh kecil plausability? [+5]
49. Siapa saja companion dokja yang ikut ke peace island pada gelombang 1?

6 7

🦑 ada ga sih yang buat au/ff yjh nirvana 😭😭😭 penasaran gimana 😭 kalo sama bocil tengil di kuburan kan keknya gue nemu banyak nah gue mau yang yjh nirvana 😭 atau yjh nirvana dikedok dokja juga gapapa 😭😭😭 thanks

1 65


🌌 sender kebayang, Nirvana kan ga punya jenis kelamin kan, apakah gambarannya kayak avatarnya hsy ini😅😭

0 30

ryo likes nirvana way too much!! 🗣️

1825 14037

🌌 tw // blood

Menu makan malam hari ini donat Nirvana😋

7 157


15時 SatomiのAfternoon Garden
15時半 熱血!
20時 ゲスト:原田真二さん
22時 ☆#ユキとメンタルヘルス はお休み
23時 亀田誠治の世界
24時 Shall's selectはNIRVANA

3 9

I live for the nirvana and anna slander https://t.co/7dYVYqjjGj

399 2168

Nirvana- Nevermind (1991)

179 2091

I introduce to you the 3 latest characters debuting in issue 4 of Lost Between Worlds! We have our latest reaper Baron Samedi, Pascal, the king of the graveyard, and Azrael, an angel from Nirvana! What do you guys think? What role will they play in Gwynn's quest to stop Ragnarok?

9 16

Phoenix Nirvana Rebirth means that the phoenix has been tormented and tested by the fire and gives birth to a new life in the raging fire, which is a metaphor for an indomitable spirit of struggle and a strong will.💙🔥

5037 9892

Nirvana Sonata collection is now on eth platform 😎🎉🎉🎉

We all were born from stardust 🌟

First 10 NFTs are now for sales ⬇️


14 27

🌈Under the weather today, cough. But sniffling my way to nirvana with the holy trinity of crumpets, coffee, and tissues. Excited that Genesis Box day is here. Time to spread joy like it's butter on a warm crumpet. Have an amazing day this spectacular fun-size Friday everyone☀️

1 8

Excuse me , why can no one remember Kagami's name?

Follow up question, is he a tear in the simulation?

11 218

“Doa mencapai syurga, dan dunia memilih masa depan.”

Kad hari ini adalah kad unit normal, Chakrabarthi True Dragon, Mahar Nirvana, dari set Booster 03: Kebangkitan Chakrabarthi! Dijual bermula dari 10 Mei 2023.

Nantikan kemunculannya!

1 4