Decided to make that dress blue instead so it matches the hat.

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【ANIME】Shonen Jump Series Mato Seihei no Slave to Receive Anime Adaptation.

繁体字 :

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Kyouka Uzen, Chief of 7th Division Corps Demon

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Tenka Izumo, Chief of 6th Division Demon Corps

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"Mato Seihei no Slave" tendrá una adaptación a anime, aun no se definió fecha de lanzamiento.
Les contaremos más cuando se revele nueva info.

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Cast :

Yuuki Wakura ( VA : Yuya Hirose )

Kyouka Uzen ( VA : Akari Kito )

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Mato seihei no slave - 67

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harem dancer rias

please dm me for commission info..

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A lazy afternoon is interrupted by a silent predator with a strong lust for red heads.

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thanks for your commission

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I'm back with the color of Mato Seihei no Slave after a big while

Yamashiro in OP mode

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