Sin nombre
Zombie de clase media
Amiga del monstruo de frankestain y Octavian
No quiere involucrarse con gente de clase alta para evitar problemas así que se mantiene alejada de Lennart y la momia.
No siente dolor

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Sin nombre
Monstruo de frankestein de clase media
Amiga de octavian, es extrovertida y energica, siempre comienza las conversaciones y tiene algo que decir.
Le gustan algunos deportes y patinar.

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Licantropo de clase media
Antes no se llevaba muy bien con la momia, pero desde que conoció a lennart y se amistó con el su circulo de amigos creció
Tiene 4 hermanos y disfruta jugar con sus hermanitos

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Octavian wishes you a happy thanksgiving! 🍁✨

2 8

Everytime I see Octavian in my island I really get the urge to pinch his cute chubby cheeks 💖💖💖

2 5

The only Octavian I will acknowledge from now on

1 8

in 39 BC, Octavian divorced his wife Scribonia who had just given birth to a daughter and married Livia Drusilla who was pregnant with her former husband’s child. How was such a case and divorce in general perceived in Roman society?

1 3

prompt 5 "Ancient rituals". Inspired by my nightmare of Octavian in The Heroes of Olympus. He's the son of Apollo, who had the ability to read messesges of the gods through ripping stuffed animals.

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I don't know what came over me man...#octorok

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Anyone here have a halloween OC? This is mine! His name is James Octavian Lantern. (Jack for short). The character in my icon is him. I created him in 2015. :) I'd love to see your halloween OC!

1 4

Doing things differently for this year! Making tarot cards of the DND campaign I’m in. First traditional, then digital. Starting with my character Octavian as the death card.

1 11

I was trying to think about what to draw for the first day of prompt monster/beast. My son suggested I draw an Octorok. When I looked at it, they looked an loooooot like Octavian, one of our villagers, from Animal Crossing. So I thought Octoroktavian! 1/2

1 7

Octavian is intrigued by outer space. At the same time, sometimes he wonders why and how him and his octopus buddies can all breathe and move, completely outside of the water...

12 35

I just need Octavian and my whole village will finally have max'd fish smell

3 28

Today 31BC Battle of Actium: decisive naval battle that effectively ends the Roman Republic. Octavian's forces defeat those under Mark Antony and Cleopatra off the western coast of Greece.

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