Strawberry Milkshake w/ gomsona (thank u for letting me draw them~). Hopefully I'll draw my mutuals cute gomsonas too if I have the time 7.7

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[ EPISODE 2 ] fishing day by the seaside with lattegom 🎣☀️

mintgom wanted sushi but i guess sushi can wait 😅

(thank you for letting me feature lattegom!💝)

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[ EPISODE 1 ] diagom's surprise appearance 😳⁉️

(thank you for letting me feature diagom! 💞)

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omg everyone bringing their back I missed drawing her so much </33

template from !! ♡

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fuck it im reuploading old art i gotta be active somehow have wlw

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So uhhhh one of my friends made mushroom sona’s (shroomsonas) of all my friends and I wanted to redraw it because I was lacking inspo so yeahhh :DDD (mine top left, @/w0nkkkk on Instagram bottom right!)

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Here are my Tomsona's jdnfnd
A clown, a spider and a pokemon trainer!!! They're all trainwrecks!!!

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I've really missed drawing my venomsona a lot, it's been months and years

-Ladies, gentlemen and symbionts !! Praise me and stay on your knees-

Redraw May 2021- May 2019

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Completed simple ref of a custom for my coworker/bestie (I say bestie a lot but I swear I only have 7). So happy to finally finish this. The one on the right is the scraped 1st attempt 😂

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Jumping on the aipomsona train!

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So I did a little mushroomsona and I'm really proud of it! My art looks really good!!!

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Hey,, so this is very late because of life but I finally finished this thing haha. So have my
from the Spirit Blossom event from ! I'll try to start posting more or at least being active but who knows!

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Yo, .
It took me like three months but I pixelled your dapper Goomsona fellow. :y

Not sure if it is still a trade or if it is just fanart at this point but it was fun to made and I hope it is to your taste~ <3

192x112px. at 3xzoom. 26 colours.

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Huevember 11.16.20-11.18.20 with a new OC named Ai, an Agent Venom design, and a villain OC named Virus!

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Thanks to I'm making a oc. She's a cultist. Don't worry tho, her cult is mostly watching cartoons and taking naps.

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