Like Mike, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Superhero Day!

Being a superhero himself, he is pleased to know there is a day dedicated to him! You mortals are so kind!

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Like The Nameless SME, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Morse Code Day!

He has such a talent that he can probably teach you about NFTS in Morse Code and you would understand it!

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Like Karen, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Get Organized Day!

How would she get organized? Definitely a whistle next to some custom made Etsy tickets to place on people's cars as well!

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Like James I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Hug a Plumber Day!

This makes James feel proud of himself. In fact, when nobody was around, he tried to hug himself! Felt nice. 😀

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Like Peyton, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Scream Day!

The irony behind this day is that Peyton screamed the loudest when they surprised Kim with that "authentic" surprise on the show!

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Like Cesar, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Asparagus Day!

Lets get the blender out and make ourselves a tasty asparagus smoothie!

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Like Barbara, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Jelly Bean Day!

Rumor has it that Barbara keeps a handful of Jelly Beans to throw at Robert when he acts up!

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Like Kyle I bet you didn't know that today is considered National High Five Day

Also like Kyle, you probably have lots of people around you to high-five, right?!? 👀

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Like Robert, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Banana Day!

Robert is amazed how popular this date 4/20 is! All these kids excited for bananas!

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Like Mike, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Bicycle Day!

A stick with 2 wheels! An incredible invention that deserves more attention!

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Like The Nameless SME, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Piñata Day!

Can you imagine little NFTs falling down from a Piñata!!!

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Like Karen, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Blah Blah Blah Day!

Blah Blah Blah... almost like what I hear when Karen talks! ooof!

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Like James, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Save The Elephant Day!

Go find Dumbo and save him!!!!!

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Like Peyton, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Anime Day!

Hello Sailor Moon! Hello Akira! Hello Hellsing! Hello memories from my childhood!

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Like Cesar, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Dolphin Day!

Go find the nearest Dolphin and tell it you appreciate them! 🐬

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Like Barbara, I bet you didn't know that today is considered International Day of Pink!

Interesting fact, Kyle has just as many hamsters as he has followers!

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Like Kyle, I bet you didn't know that today is considered World Hamster Day!

Interesting fact, Kyle has just as many hamsters as he has followers!

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