Hi I’m Mochi! I’m a freelance artist and comic artist! I enjoy drawing beach scenes a lot!! and I have a webcomic on Webtoons called “The Playpen”!

📲comic https://t.co/c5QUOZZeWO
💌Comms https://t.co/omOHci67jl

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Support my Patreon if you can: https://t.co/UeCs4vWkTv
Reward for Cody_diaperButt

The big poofy baby thought he had the playpen all to himself today.

But now he's on display for all to see his naughty secret.

Don't you just hate uninvited guests?

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Hello everyone! Today’s episode will be a little late! It may get uploaded later tonight (EST) or Straight tomorrow morning about 9-10am
So please keep a look out and we’re sorry for the delay!

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A character from our webcomic over at
He’ll show up in it soon =w=
But here is a mermay of him


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I did it too! It’s here =w=

This was an interesting challenge? XD
I’m sure my selection isn’t great =w=
But, it was fun throwing this together ;;)/

5 20

Good Morning! ☀️
Comfy morning sleeps!

This is ‘s resident Scottish-Irish family, including little Alec and his parents!

https://t.co/c5QUOZZeWO <—we’re on webtoons! ♥️

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There are dads who can do hair, and dads who cannot
Evan, is one of those cannots XD
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“You’ll be short forever, Dustin!”

This is probably why he lashes out when being called short =w=;
Jackie please =w=;

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Out with mommy for the day! Tristan is excited and pretty confident about this XD

Creators/OC owners:

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Drawing out a series picture for webtoons(soon!) and this was the only idea i had! XD
Just Maddie giving her brother a hug!
I still need more practice with close connection.. >~<;
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Oh the answers they will give when you start asking questions =w=
Why Ollie, why =w=

I wanted to try to draw the crouching pose... ;-;
Uhh! I’ll keep practicing! XD

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Something random I drew the other night and I thought would be cute? XD
Just the boys helping around the house but Alec making more work for Hew =w=
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A little upset faced Gregory ; m;
He dropped his ice cream! Someone quick! get him a new one DDDX
(also HALP i can't stop drawing himmm XDDDD)
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Dylan making his baby cousin Greg laaaaaugh
Quick little sketch that was supposed to be a totally different idea XD
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Aaaaahh! Ive been wanting to saaay
Thank you all for 500+ followers holey moley! ;; ❤❤
Here's a drawing of Shiloh looking at his cool Christmas socks for you all = u=)/
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The weather's a bit much for , but thats okay because we can go get hot chocolate and warm up uwu)/
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Something that happens every morning in this household

Goodness Chad... you know shouldn't mess with him.. you know what will happen =w=;

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Meet Bruce, he's got the brawn.. but not the brains... If you're excited to see more of Bruce, stay tuned for

comic writer:
comic artist:

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I guess Aubrey will never know what squirrels do in the winter
Oliver's not having it =w=
(comic practice!)

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