Full-time programmer, part time artist! If you like cute creatures, I like to make 'em!

0 0

Let me introduce my OC: Xyford! 😁✨⚡️

He's a programmer, basically; and also he has some cool hobbies 😉.

Info sheet coming soon ✨

0 4

ED Community, NW has made it clear he needs our help. If you love epicduel and want to help NW get a new programmer, retweet this and I'll add you to our twitter group chat where we will organize a movement to get Artix attention. What Is ED2? Check NW's replies

79 101


We are hiring extra members to make our production process faster. We are looking for a programmer, graphic designer and translator (Korean).


(Check out our form for more info)

53 96

Meet Hilda.
She's a Buppy, a bean, loves snuggles, and heavy metal. She's a programmer, and works on updating and making sure the computer code used by SnowStone is safe and secure.
Art by my BF,

3 11

👻 error/vita
👻 23
👻 they/them
👻 artist, programmer, and aspiring game developer!
👻 into video games, horror media, and 2D men
👻 art: | game dev: | ocs:
👻 listo: https://t.co/QY8FhQCuE7
👻 threads + more in replies!

1 2

Hey everybody, I'm TV.

I'm a game developer, programmer, and designer. I love working on games with ridiculous stories and unique gameplay styles.

11 43

I'm a programmer, specializing in evolutionary robotics. I'm making a little virtual creatures game for mobile.

38 263

Meet my OC, Pastel!

A genius programmer, she supports herself through working for different companies. She can often be seen eating junk food in front of her computer while working or playing video games.

(more details in thread)

12 27

Hey you! Give a round of applause to our game developer, programmer, marketer, designer, co-founder and, above it all, great friend ! Toasties and petite gateaux for everyone! 🍰🐳

4 19

Wargaming Sydney is Hiring

Gameplay Programmer, C++ Vehicle Physics https://t.co/Z9dSNML7wS
Senior C++ Engineer, Gameplay Programmer https://t.co/tQln7GU749
Lead Game Designer https://t.co/Q3BgsFacga
DevOps Engineer https://t.co/meXtZB7cv5
UI Programmer https://t.co/vljkwN0TYi

4 0

(PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE THREAD). I'm making a new web comic starring a for-hire programmer, and her humanoid alien girlfriend - - living a less-than-average life. Feedback is appreciated. (1/3)

3 8

Hello everyone!

I'm mostly a programmer, but I've been studying artwork for the past year or so as well! I'm hoping to be a good game designer and artist! My itch profile can be found at https://t.co/gwVN95CM6J.

4 25

Hi, I'm Sarah~!
I'm a transgender C# and general creator of geeky content. I have a passion for games, storytelling, and creation. Come chat with me sometime~!
⚔️ https://t.co/cC0m11fIfw
💎 https://t.co/cRdgDV1HBt

3 6

I designed a Pokémon-inspired mythical beast for an art challenge at (where I'm a programmer, not an artist!)

9 107

Was DnD Classic 18th edition 1996. My parents picked it up as I was already heavily into 40k, Epic and Necromunda. Since then I am now a scientist, programmer, podcaster, design Noble Armada 3e for , and awaiting my first task on WHFRPG by - Chris

0 4

“Happy Birthday Yuuto!”

|| Hey Buddies,
Today is Yuuto’s Birthday! Let’s give him our love and don’t forget to follow his creator and programmer, ! 💝🏐
Let’s get him to 1.5K Followers!

63 290

I'm Zoey Price. I'm a Trans woman artist and programmer, entering into school for my BA in computer software in June. I'm wanting to make games that bring awareness to LGBTQ+ issues

20 102

I'll jump in the bandwagon! I'm a junior programmer, your friendly neighborhood IGDA organizer and Finnish Game Jam Awards team lead ✌️

5 42