Quarantine has got me feeling kinda batty, so here’s a bored little vampire for the prompt “cooped up”.

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My actual submission for this months - Cooped Up! This is a companion piece to the drawing I originally made for the prompt. I really had fun working with these two characters

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“A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings.” -Mandy Hale 🦋

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Made this drawing for this months prompt Earth Day, and then I saw they changed the prompt yesterday 🤷‍♀️ Guess that just gives me an excuse to make another one! I loved how this one turned out though

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My entry for the February challenge. This month's prompt is "secret admirer" Maybe the pretty colours we see at sunset are the sun leaving a bouquet of tulips for the moon!

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Happy Tuesday, everyone! This month's prompt is "Secret Admirer" and who can resist that?
Here are Bear and friends,
wishing you heaps of sunshine and extra love today.

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This is my submission for the and this month the prompt word was ❄❄❄

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My submission for this months “snow day” and today’s I remember being a child and staying outside for no matter how cold it was. And the best part was coming inside and feeling the warmth of the house on your nose

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A little sketch of Flip for Society of
Children's Book Writers
and Illustrators. Snow Day Theme

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Here is my submission for challenge: the theme for this month was “Leftovers”

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SCBWI Draw This November prompt - 'Leftovers'

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I made it. Took 3 hours but i finished a monthly challenge. The word was Blustery this month. I need to do better about checking my emails =)

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I drew this for contest but I did not end of finishing it in time. 😭✌🏾

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My entry for SCBWI September 2019 Draw This!: Trouble. This scenario happens regularly in our household!

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