My entry into the March 2020 contest with the prompt: “Everything was rattling, falling apart, and breaking.”

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My entry into the 2019 Inspired by the 50th anniversary of the theme is a narrative sequence of three images involving "a ground-breaking journey, whether historical, personal, or imagined".

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I wanted to get some time in, but was tired and was having trouble coming up with a subject. I asked my daughter to describe a for me to draw, and here it is.

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I came up with a couple of characters that had sort of a Dr. Seuss feel to them, so I went with it and made up a cover for a book.

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I’ve been a bit behind on posting, so here’s one from a little while ago that I thought I posted, but apparently not. (Done while experimenting with and .)

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We visited the recently and went on the trek. They’re neat animals, but they didn’t seem all that impressed with us.

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“You’re Never Too Old to be Young”
My (one and only) for 2019. Also submitted to the May Contest.

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We keep telling her the flowers are for LOOKING at, but she just can’t help herself! My re-imagining of a drawn by Ruth, age 9, from Sacramento, CA. Part of (ct)

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I recently watched “The Fifth Element”, and have been looking at a lot of Moebius artwork, so that visual style has been stewing in my brain recently. And so, a Moebius-inspired

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A snake having trouble with his mech suit. My re-imagining of drawn by Liev, age 7, from Westport, CT (with a few more creative liberties than I usually take). Part of ().

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Here are a couple of characters from a small project I’m working on. Still under development, but I’ll have more details in the coming weeks!

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