Our new shaders; a toonshaker and a wind shader, created by and Makes a huge difference!

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0.97.1 Release : New Voxel Shader, Marching Cube Export, Brush Options (V/C/P) https://t.co/fjy7fos5cb

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Finishing up a new shader, styled to look like a rough screen print. Fun to imagine the games that could use it.

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Radial "sun-point" fog Same 5-step inky clamping on FG objects.

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MMEのonoffをやらずに寝れなかったので便乗で…っおやすみなさい(モデル:ぺろんちょ様、MME:MangaShader, Exclude, o_LikeHDR, Croquis改)

0 7

I've made some variations to my constellation shader, some with solid colors, subtractive blending, fat lines.. :)

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