All adequate Russian citizens do not endorse Kremlin's moronic decision to attack Ukraine.

Ukraine citizens, we are with you. We will do what we can to fight the war from within Russia. Putin might win a battle or two but he has already lost the war.

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How many more have to perish until we finally realize that peace is the only thing worth fighting for?
How can we still allow to ourselves to be subjected to the insanity of others?

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Кенджи, милый Кенджи... Надеюсь, кому-то поднимет настроение эта работа, ибо ситуация сейчас гипер напряжённая. Ненавижу войны, сама как на иголках, но контент буду пытаться делать. Берегите себя!

3 10

Se esiste un uomo non violento, perché non può esistere una famiglia non violenta?
E perché non un villaggio?
una città, un paese, un mondo non violento?
(Mahatma Gandhi)

7 25

Я против войны! Я против смертей! Я против тех, кто распоряжается чужими жизням! Я за мир! Нет войне!

5 20

War is Vicious We Detest 👎
Peace is all we always want 🙏
We stand in Solidarity with Ukraine🤟

2 6

Please stop, we don't want war
Как человек из России говорю, что мирным жителям не нужна война, мы хотим мира, но тем не менее правительство решило предать нас. Грустно, что в 21 веке мы все еще хватаемся за оружие, чтобы решить какие-либо проблемы..

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Проснутся в войне самый страшный сон который стал реальным.

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I am, once again, asking you to sign this petition urging the Biden administration to restore much needed federal protections to the US wolf populations within its borders.


7 21

WATCH: In 2020 we have spoken to 470 young people detained in Israeli prisons when they were children. This is some what they told us of their inhumane treatment.

7 9

's charity stream time! <3
we've donated again and for anyone who still wants to contribute: donations will be open for a week from now!

5 8

Today’s the charity stream for Save The Children! Let’s do a lot of good today! If you can’t donate, be sure to spread the word! It helps just as much!

4 8

Join us July 21-23 for a 3 day tweet storm to stop the brutal Saudi/USA/UK terror on Use Art:

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Today's cartoon was tricky to do but a lot of fun.

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If only this could happen...#stopthewar

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