поняла, что никогда их блин не рисовала!! это норм вообще??

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but Slavic pagan

White blue - Slavic origin, but not necessarily russian
Yellow disk - Dazhbog, the national god of Lavruria (Лавроурія)

Known for their magnificent stone temples in the jungles

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Some awesome art of my character Kyu from back when she started her journey done by Chlorine ♦️#нетвойне♦️. Thanks again for your awesome work!

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i start from the afar

Im russian girl. all my childhood i knew that war is horrible. war is dies, nightmares, broken lives. all my childhood in school we were talking about the war in USSR 1941-1945 and i was sure that all russians KNOW what is war but >

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I see no evil I hear no evil I don't speak about evil I think no evil

0 1

нет войне! No war! Сэрии суох буоллун! Сахалар, сэриигэ барыман!

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и из ящика врущая нечисть
228 и шмон в 5 утра
как омоновец, храбро калечащий женщин
как декабрь, январь и февраль
это точно пройдёт

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