In Iceland, there's an old belief that dreaming of a white sheep means it's going to snow the next day. Perhaps because of this association, knitting with wool outdoors is traditionally discouraged, as it's believed to prolong winter.

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In kamikiri mushi are a type of magical insect with razor-sharp hands & beak. They sneak into homes & cut off people's hair, often while they're sleeping. Some believe that kamikiri attacks are to prevent people unknowingly marrying a yokai.


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In medieval times ladybirds were symbols of good luck and protection, as they ate the aphids destroying the farmers’ crops. In English folklore, a ladybird landing on your hand means you will be married within the year.
🎨Blanche Fisher Wright

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In Ancient Mayan legends the Hummingbird was made from other bird's feathers. The Hummingbird was celebrated by all for its beauty, magic & wit.

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In Warwickshire, gold finches were k/as "proud tailors" as it was said that the souls of tailors who sang while they worked, had settled in these colourful little birds.

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While ominous lore surrounds ravens, in Greek myth they were seen as prophetic & tied to Apollo, the god of prophecy. Apollo adored & used them as his messengers, gallant spies, & avian assistants who could see what was happening in his world 🖤

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In both China and Japan the goose is linked with the moon. It was common for the family of a bride to give a goose as a gift to the groom.

🎨'White-fronted Goose - Ohara Koson.

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In Wales it was believed that a child born on the day the first cuckoo call of the season is heard will be lucky for their whole life.

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Scholars pondered the witches' ability to Metamorphosis, but concluded them to be diabolical illusions. The peasants ignored this, there were several testimonies in🇸🇪Dalarna that a bird flew out of a witch's mouth in the moment of death (older Scandinavian belief)#SuperstitionSat

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Traditionally sailors considered a flying albatross to be a sign of good luck. Killing an albatross was said to be extremely unlucky. In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner the death of the albatross brought terrible bad luck, including a lack of drinking water.

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I FINALLY MADE AN OC she’s an unlucky black cat who believes in all the superstitions and is really good a making curses

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In Spain on New Year's Eve, it's said that you should eat a dozen grapes one by one at the stroke of midnight to symbolize each month of the year. If the grape is sweet,that particular month will be a good one.If sour, it's going to be a bad month.🎨Noah Verrier.

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The pomegranate is a lucky fruit. Always make a wish before you eat it, and soon it will come true.✨

from Encyclopedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences

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It was once believed that if you dig under mugwort on Midsummer Eve, you will find a coal which would protect you from plague, carbuncles, lightning, a mild form of malaria & burning. Mugwort collected at Midsummer also protects against evil spirits & possession

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If the first butterfly of the season you see is yellow then it is said to mean that the summer will be warm and sunny.

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I'm Orville Burch
My writing is influenced by my life
Superstitions are still held in part of Appalachia
Myths, ghosts, strange beings are common
I write of the paranormal
Author Rachel Law Paranormal Realism


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Hi there, My names Maji! I’m a naïve little Wizard but don’t think little of me, I know a powerful spell or two! I have widespread knowledge of many useless facts and superstitions. You can always rely on my Magic if you need help! …as long as I get something to eat afterwards!

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Michaelmas Superstition - if the breast bones of the goose are brown after roasting the following winter should be mild, but if the bones are white or have a slight blue hue the the winter will be severe.

🎨Corrine Aelbers

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As the summer solstice nears, so does June’s Strawberry Moon. The berry is native to North America & only went to Europe in the colonial era. Indigenous peoples named the moon for the fruit’s brief season. The moon is seen as a time of love, luck & prosperity 🍓

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A very common Superstition in America is…

Bad News Comes In Threes

Bad news always seem to come in 3s. When a tragedy happens, people wait to see what the next 2 will be. Why 3? What is the significance? Is it random? Or a self-fulfilling prophecy?…

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