Some modern reconstructions of how the lost island city of Tenochtitlan may have looked, before Europeans arrived in Mexico.

(and an early 16th-century European rendition for comparison)

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Lo debido es deuda . Lamento si no era como querías, me confundí, la neta. Terminé haciendo esta madre
Canijo, pero, me intrigó más la historia de Tenochtitlan, iba el demon Quetlzalcoat qué le sabía las llamas cabe decir

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Entre los mexicas los castigos por ebriedad eran castigados de forma muy dura, sobre todo cuando eran nobles. Cuando un noble era encontrado borracho se le ejecutaba en su casa ahorcándolo con un lazo florido. Una especie de mecate decorado con flores.

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Today begins MACABRO International Horror Film Festival of Mexico City!

If you are in the Great Tenochtitlan you shouldn’t miss the 18th edition of this magnificent festival.

Follow all our daily recommendations

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The visual anatomy of a scene. Here's some elements used to depict an art studio in Tenochtitlan. I'll be deciphering this image in posts about the making of this series on my page:

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en 1521 México-Tenochtitlan cae ante los conquistadores españoles y sus aliados indígenas. Fin del Imperio azteca.

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you know what i love most about that? the flag! <3 emblem of tenochtitlan. Mexico was founded by the Mexica tribe when they were exiled to an island in the middle of snake filled marsh, where any other people would die, the mexica were resillient. and founded an empire

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Campan: Moyotlan
Tepetlacalli (stone box)
Two Plumed Serpents flying on the Solar paradise

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Itzmin sube de rango y se le permite usar un traje de guerra más complejo. Este atuendo es un estilo muy usado por guerreros que suelen viajar grandes distancias, es ligero y ofrece un poco más de protección.

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Itzmin usa tilma cuando sale de Tenochtitlán, al igual que en los días de invierno y durante las ceremonias.

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There's a Pokemon Fangame called Pokemon Sage, whose region is based on Latin America, that has an area where there are ruins based on the site of Tula. One of the cities is planned to be based on Tenochtitlan as well, alongside a US SW/Pueblo inspired town, among many others.

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Dicen que un día como hoy se funda la ciudad de Tenochtitlan. El pueblo mexica encuentra la ciudad prometida por su dios Huitzilopochtli gracias a la señal que les deja del águila devorando la serpiente

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Prehispanic dance/danza

The next time you find a pre-Hispanic dance circle in a public square especially in Tenochtitlan, Mexico City observe and distinguish the following essential cosmic elements.

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Two Aztec, princesses, sit on a palace terrace, overlooking the ancient Mexica capital of Tenochtitlan. One woman has in her hair two bunches of quetzal plumes, which is part of the symbolic regalia of Xochiquetzal, the goddess of love.

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The Coyolxauhqui Stone was rediscovered in 1978, on this day, at the former site of the main temple of Tenochtitlan. Here's a drawing I once did of the goddess compared to the stone disc.

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