More scribbles from Aywas! Bless my commissioners for giving me so many excuses to draw cute rats ♥

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Sit back, relax, and enjoy our newest Fairgrounds mini-game: Mistral Mahjong!

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Aywas Rock Custom Crystal pet for the month of September!
This one is meant to be a mix of piñata and alebrije, I expect everyone to go wild with colors!

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This sad little Mew has been painted Grey!
The last of Mew's Neopets-style commissions

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This spooky Mew has been painted Halloween!
Another continuation of Mew’s Neopets-style commission.

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This little Mew has been painted Faerie!
Another continuation of Mew’s Neopets-style commission

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A batch of classic colors as a continuation of Mew’s Neopets-style commission.

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A very request from Mew on FA!
Her character Mew in a style. I thought it was such a great idea I might add this as a badge commission category..

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This month, all of dragonkind come together to participate in the Flameforger's Festival. This festival celebrates the fire flight.

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It seems this odd fellow is trying to lead you somewhere.. will you follow?
Wanted to try going a bit out of my comfort zone this month with an “object head” kind of base

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Aywas Rock Custom Crystal pet for July!
“Would you like your custom with or without sprinkles?”
I was really in the mood to do something and

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released a new pet base called the Vircyon, which has the front half of a raccoon & the back half of an opossum - a perfect canvas for making I had to make myself some edits asap.

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An older edit from 2017 done for someone on Aywas who ghosted. Got tired of hanging onto the design and was able to sell it to Stein (#103) instead. Glad this guy finally has a home ♥

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Finished basing of an old sketch for Lacia (#25044), as a mock-offspring between two of their Aywas pets!

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Oh no, look out for that purr-ocious
monthly pet for May. I am absolutely loving the way people are coloring this base! ♥

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Another set for - The unique was auctioned and customized for the winner, Lacia (#25044), who requested a spell-caster theme with colorful Mandarin duck markings.

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Very mixed bag here - some scribbles from Aywas breedings, some from commissions, and some from trades.

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Evolution of my dragons!

2009 > 2014 > 2019
First one was sold as a flat png on a virtualpetsite forum 😂

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Which special galaxy Paint is your favorite? 😄

Check them out on Patreon:

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In Fanterra, pet colorations range from the realistic to the unique and colorful! Which Labrador do you prefer? 🧐

Read more:

[ Art by ]

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