Thor Love and Thunder (2022) dir. Taika Waititi

(I'm seeing it tonight and threw a little teaser poster together)

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Cada vez que la veo me lo paso en grande, y me parece mejor película. El humor de Taika Waititi le funcionó a la perfección, consiguiendo momentos y diálogos geniales. Pero es que además tiene escenas épicas, y actores aprovechados al máximo

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On peut dire ce que l'on veut sur mais il a fallut attendre Waititi pour avoir l'esprit visuel des comics en général...

Et surtout le pop de Kirby.

Il a un sens du découpage de plan qui pourrait très faire une planche magnifique sur le papier.

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It's not like I expect true adaptations from the MCU, but it seriously bugs me how Waititi keeps delivering macho dad-rock studio comedies over the top of really well-regarded, prestige source material.

Planet Hulk, Jane Thor's arc, Ragnarok AND Gorr? These are highbrow runs!

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I really enjoyed seeing tonight with

The usual good humour and heart from Taika Waititi, beautiful cinematography too, and great to see Natalie Portman back. I loved the Jane Foster Mighty Thor comic run, great to see it done so well on screen.

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The past the present and the future

Made this portrait of Ed and had a blast with this concept it will be included with the 4 pin and up freebies on my kickstarter link in bio!

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❤️ +⚡️ | HOJE estreia nos cinemas!

A quarta aventura solo do e segunda nas mãos do diretor é uma comédia romântica e traz o retorno de Jane Foster, dessa vez como a

Ah, e o filme tem 2 CENAS PÓS CREDITOS!

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Acabo de ver y la verdad que es una "divina comedia" potenciando lo que ya vimos en osea es más de lo mismo

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In honor of releasing this week, looks at the film’s Oscar potential. Christian Bale? Taika Waititi? Find out what Ricky sees as a possibility ⚡️

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in constant awe of how pretty he is

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confirma lo bien que le vino Waititi al UCM. Se agradece (y mucho) el respiro de la psicosis del Multiverso. Menuda maravilla lo de Natalie Portman como su química con el de Hemsworth y Taika regrese todas las veces que quiera

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Oh my god it’s worse than I thought, Taika Waititi you’ll pay for your crimes I promise you will

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é uma ópera espacial psicodélica e com o talento de Taika Waititi, pinta a tela com todas as cores do arco-íris com pressa. As motivações e desenvolvimento dos personagens são interessantes, mas não empolgantes.

★ 3.5/5

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tackles love and death with all the irreverence you expect from Taika Waititi.

It never takes itself too seriously, but brings plenty of emotional weight. With stunning visuals and an absolutely terrifying Bale, this movie rules.

The best Thor movie yet.

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good morning taika waititi nation how are we doing?

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