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Just hit me how fucking tiny Thor’s head is in the cover

0 8

"Je pense qu'on s'est trop amusés. C'est devenu trop bête."

Chris Hemsworth quand on lui reparle de

2 21

New back issue delivery! A Thor vol 1 comic by Roy Thomas, Kieth Pollard & Chic Stone

9 83

Thor out here looking pretty on purpose-

9 68

Party Thor my meow meow i hope you're having a blast

5 39

when Thor goes “no more mr. nice guy!,” has to be a strict parent/brother/husband/nemesis and put the naughty children (Throg & Alligator Loki) as well as his brother/wife/nemesis (Loki) in a time out 🥺😭😂

8 81

Comission finished for
Thank you so much I had a lot of fun making this thor <3

210 1135

Thor said: Boy pack your shit and run...

10 41

Thor be like: Boy your father is trash stfu....

17 64

Henrik Earl, Scion of Thor, Norse God of Thunder, Grandson of Golgol Fangs-First, Chosen of Fenris

Lover of Becca Haren

For Scion 1E/WoD crossover

0 9

Saw my THOR # 35 cover online... I drew this twice up in size. Ill post the BW later... This is one of my fave pieces ever I think, maybe you agree...

82 639

Just got followed by (🙏)
Now that's nothing exceptional in itself.

However....I wasn't aware of the presence of Thor (25K followers 🔥) in this virtual mortal coil untill few days ago 😇
This is 1 way of knowing the ecosystem is growing exponentially...

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