Here's the winner of the poll made some days ago to decide who to draw next in SNK VS Capcom artstyle: from

I really love how this one turned out, especially the swords.

24 73

✨📸/Edit by
✨Me as from

I can't even put in words how happy I am with the news 😭❤️ it's a miracle!! Thanks so much Yokotaro 🥺✨

71 172

Four female fictional characters tagged by

...yokotaro edition they all have the same hair colour

0 6

Siento DEVOCIÓN REAL por esta saga, NieR y NieR Automata son dos de las cosas que más amo del mundo y nunca dejare de dar gracias a YokoTaro por semejante obra de arte 💙 (¡y a mi prometida por enseñarmelos!)

¡Aquí mis tres amores, Kainé, 9S y A2!

4 14

Me: I have to make merchandise that people want for Sacanime in like one week
My Brain: Dito Drakengard

3 7

Hi! I did some !!

I love the beautiful 2B being a onee-san❤️

22 36

And we’re starting the nier automata journey with these two angels who did nothing wrong 😭Devola and Popola 🌼🌼

24 47

Nier Replicant Crew! (Or 2/3 gestalt, gomen papa nier ;-;)🌸🌸
Also a bit of with day 4 lily and day 26 anemone~~

14 26

Wanted to try something a lil different colour-wise. I love yoko taros games so much 💕

0 5

Emotions are prohibited.

(Watch the progress here:…)

13 12