Richard Harrison (b.1954), To Ride a White Horse, 101 x 91 cm.

Richard Harrison was born in 1954. He attained a BA in Medieval History from Trinity College, Cambridge, and a BA and an MA in Fine Art from Chelsea School of Art, London...

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Suite à un cambriolage, ces œuvres ont été emportée, son auteure les recherches. si vous les voyez merci de contacter "Plumes et crocs" à cette adresse sur facebook :

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29 Mar 1578: St Alexander Briant ordained priest at Cambrai on 29 March 1578. He was executed along with St Edmund Campion on 1 Dec 1581 (NPG)

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Lately, I've been redrawing things I've drawn in the past. It's a satisfying experience.

2014->2020 of Spencer-Lynn Cambridge and Logan Oliveira.

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It's a sea scorpion (Eurypterid). Anomalocaris was a Cambrian beast, closely related to arthropods. (Art Rainer H)

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Esperando que los Maestres y los Lacambra entren a esto. Un hospital en Toledo, a estrenar, cerrado a cal y canto. Y mientras en Madrid se monta un hospital con más de 5.000 camas en horas.

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Earth's lore is underrated, I'm reading up on the Great Oxegenation Event, the KT Extinction, Cambrian Explosion, and all sorts of insane stuff.

I mean look at this map, I want to play a game set here NOW

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Volunteers sought for phone bank being set up by Network in Trumpington to help elderly and unwell

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Coronavirus Lockdown Day 2 - 3pm Wednesday 25th March 2020.
This is how Cambridge does lockdown. The Grand Arcade Car Park - largest and most central car park in the City.

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Mec noir : 🙂
Mec blanc : 🙂
Femme blanche : 🙂
Femme noire : dénudée/maquillage/seins énormes/cambrure exagérée/fesses surdéveloppées/tanga

Je suis parano ou ça en dit long sur ce qu'on attend des femmes noire/la représentation mentale qu'on s'en fait et l'hypersexualisation ?

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Thank you to all my collectors and their continued support...The Landscape is changing and due to Covid-19 my Cambridge show is cancelled... so for all the people that are rather eager to get their hands on an ‘original’ ... (part 1)

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Durandal by John McCambridge

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Stéphane Mallarmé, né à Paris le 18 mars 1842...Hérodiade, Brise Marine, Don du Poème, L'Après-midi d'un faune, Les Dieux antiques, chez Jules Rothschild, Album de vers et de prose, Oxford, Cambridge, la musique et les lettres, Divagations...

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Habelia are small predators that lived around the Cambrian period. Despite their chelicerate affinity, their functional morphology are more similar to those of mandibulates. Their anterior limb pairs, instead of walking, are more specialized for sensing and feeding.

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Some of the other Book Island picture books on display at in Cambridge. Can I please I ask you to remember to support your indie bookshops during these challenging times? They can take orders over the phone:

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Quick update before I leave for Cambridge, where I'm hoping to join the conference tomorrow. Many thanks to all the backers who've joined us yesterday.
Your support really matters!
Six days left!
All or nothing.

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I keep forgetting to post things oop. Another art trade with HesperCambrie on DeviantArt

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Join us for an evening of with Marcio da Silva, Louis Barclay, Andy Winterbourne, Roger Carey and Liam Genockey! 🥁

Not sure if Jazz is your cup of tea? Check this out... 👀▶️

• Fri 13th March • 8pm • Cambridge Hall

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