There are tons but first came to my mind...
Hellblazer Azzarello/Corben/Frusin
New Mutants Claremont/Sienkiewicz
Punisher Max Ennis/Fernández/Larossa/Parlov/Braithwaite
Hulk Bruce Jones/Romita Jr/Deodato/Immonen

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Outside Kitty’s story, Kurt never flirts with these girls. Yet the Bamf doll’s erotic legacy maintains a sexual charge, potentially actualized by an adult Rachel pursuing Kurt in X-Men Gold (2017). Claremont didn't write it, but he did pen their first kiss in Uncanny 5/10

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Four more great ones from the Claremont masterclass in "never give em what they say they want: give em what they really want."

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I've been enjoying these "What’s a comic book moment that lives in your head rent free?" posts and mine's pretty predictable but whatcha gonna do💙

From Excalibur Claremont/Davis.

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Their first act is to bring in Magneto, despite the fact that he is already pursuing reform/rehabilitation independently, thus immediately establishing Claremont’s use of the group as a commentary on the wide gulf between law and justice. 2/5

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Instead of wrapping up literally a single ongoing plot point Claremont spent his last Excalibur arc jumping through contrived narrative hoops so he could find an excuse to do an issue where Kitty Pryde becomes a cheerleader. That's Excalibur alright.

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Continuando el de Locomon hablaremos de su evolución.
GrandLocomon es mucho más poderoso que Locomon, ya que este no solo tiene una fuerza y velocidad superiores, si no que este no está atado a unos railes para avanzar.

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GIJoe. Claremont/Silverstei X-Men. Batman: Death in the family. Kravens last hunt.

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And in the follow up (Uncanny 252) Claremont and Leonardi go full Frank Miller and reinvent Wolverine as Dark Knight Returns Batman with Jubilee as Carrie Kelly.

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Para acabar el de Puppetmon hablaremos de algo de lo que no suele hablarse.
A pesar de sus delgados brazos, este tiene una fuerza capaz de destruir a sus rivales de un martillazo aún sin hacer explotar la pólvora que lleva dentro.

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Some Chris Claremont-written work done in his exile period post-X-Men and pre-Sovereign 7.

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OMG the FF part of the Claremont special even has the black version of Namor (from his Exiles run) who is married to Sue Storm and one of their kids is Gambit for some reason that makes no sense in any reality and I am dying

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📢¿Qué tenemos para hoy? 📻

👉Hablaremos con Miriam Varela, historiadora del arte, sobre la iniciativa: Por la inclusión de mujeres artistas en el currículo educativo 👩‍🎨

👉 entrevistará a la ilustradora 👩‍🎨

👉A las 20h en

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“you understand the consequences if my own technology is turned against me” I’m pretty sure this novel takes place in doom’s past..... thinking about claremont doom armor arc in silence LMAO

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michael cimino as alex claremont-diaz i've said it into the universe i've claimed it i am praying and begging

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Madelyn Pryor gets her own set of superpowers and costume taking up the mantle of "Goblin Queen." (From X-Men

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Preview Chris Claremont Anniversary Special - By (W) Chris Claremont (A) , , More (CA) (VCA)  (VCA) - in stores this week! -

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You can tell Claremont knew he was on his way out the door because he keeps doing gags about how dumb crossovers are and complaining about X-Factor. He did an entire issue with Liefeld just dunking on the DC crossover Invasion for some fucking reason.

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