Arte conceptual Quicksilver. Andy Parkart

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Dankzij Park & Play Golf kunnen we opnieuw golfen.
Regelmatig de handen wassen met desinfecterende handgel.

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*melemparkan diri sendiri dari ketapel* aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa hihihAaA *nabrak batu* *ketularan malin kundang* *xiaojun jadi batu* *xiaojun anak nakal* *suka mencuri ketimun* *ayo lekas dikurung*

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thanks to a cool Discord user by the name of Sparkaz

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I really like summer despite it being has it's own mood...So I thought about Nep relaxing by the countryside in her parka and swimsuit underneath, that's probably cause it's hot...

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Dan pada tahun 2020, Spinosaurus sekali lagi menggemparkan dunia paleontologi. Ibrahim menerbitkan satu lagi penemuan dan kali ni melibatkan bahagian ekor Spinosaurus. Penemuan tulang ekor Spinosaurus baharu oleh Ibrahim menunjukkan bentuk ekor yang terbaru bagi Spinosaurus.

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someone will remember us
I say
even in another time
- sappho

for round 8

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Vanaf 4 mei zullen de golfclubs in België kunnen heropstarten.
Eerste richtlijn: heb je een verkoudheid of koorts, voel je je grieperig... blijf thuis!

Volg Eddy en Caddy voor meer!

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Joining the drawn is hair down version 😂 all hail the space parka!

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Vanaf 4 mei zullen de golfclubs in België, onder strikte voorwaarden, kunnen heropstarten.
Volg Eddy en Caddy voor meer details!

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The other day I finally solved the "which Prince Parka do I wear" problem

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WIP series
today is the four different stories that do happen at the exact same time
The vampire from "A vampire's trust"
Parka from "Darkside"
Rainbow from "The Real Me"
and (with a name) Emilio from "Painful Love"

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Even heroes must rest.

To learn more about The Blue Flame Legends Comic link in bio.

The Blue Flame Legends and all related material are the copyright of Joshua Jordan.

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