콘스탄스..디오라마 스탠드 만들고싶다ㅏ

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283 1292


102 409

constance leslie and her horse, Molasses

186 1956

more requests i did for my tumblr viewers!

ft. constance dedue yuri shez

47 170

I decided to illustrate Constance next cause she is my favourite and I kin her so much look at them https://t.co/4HEUv8qo3Z

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Turns out everyone loves Hapi, but Constance and Shez weren't too far behind

Been a while since I drew any Fire Emblem though 🥲 Perhaps that should change! https://t.co/i5CwPwY6IS

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Trying to fit so many into only four pictures 🥲
1: Maize and Ariandre (Dnd novel)
2: Jacalynn and Koi (TTOTB novel)
3: Ricky and Reed (RJR novel)
4: Caspian and Constance (webtoon)

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