So nearly caught up with the Hordes story in I have to say, as someone who loves the saying "Blood & Honor"
I don't like choices so far

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Traitors are not tolerated. Or just dont put trust in Enioa cuz shes a total Sylvanas fangirl.

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Quick Sketch of Sylvanas!! Please go like my facebook

1 6

Estoy continuando la ilustración de Sylvanas off-stream.
No sé si abrirlo aunque sea sin cam:

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¡Estoy ha sido todo por hoy!
Gracias por el stream, sobretodo a que se ha vuelto loco regalando subs <3
Así ha quedado Sylvanas tras unas cuantas horas (le queda aún bastante)
Seguidme en para estar atentos a los streams!

1 7

Looks like the forgets the basic rules 🤣

By the way, we remind you we also have a page!

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"There's only one Queen on this battlefield"
Cosplay: Sylvanas Ranger General - Heroes of the Storm skin (made by me)
Photos and edit:
I'm SO HAPPY with this photoshoot😭❤️

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“Do not test my patience....”
Two new photos taken and edited by the awesome :DD
Cosplay: Sylvanas Ranger General -Heroes of the Storm skin
Hope you like them! ^^

42 139

La "Dame Noire" ou "Reine Banshee" Sylvanas Coursevent, est l'actuelle Chef de Guerre de la Horde (une des deux factions de World Of Warcraft). Personnage charismatique au leadership impitoyable, ses décisions sont parfois controversées... Badass vous dites?

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