画質 高画質


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DMMGAMES クリエイティブチームくまさん

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Original character with a spear I came up with
while I was bedridden for the past week!
I was imagining Shantae games while drawing her, so despite the tight dress, bosoms, and legs, she is totally a wholesome character!
Also, I never tried any Shantae games.

21 210

Hello !
I'm Ryuune and I like drawing beautiful and powerful ladies from video games and anime :)

146 932


I am a fulltime software engineer in the AAA game industry, and I also am a freelance illustrator for v-tubers, web novels, and games.
(I enjoy doing both💻🖌️)

736 7731

My name is momojuice. I usually draw illustrations, mainly fanart of my favorite works, such as games and comics.

61 283

I'm a Japanese artist mainly drawing concept art for video games and animation.

508 3255

DominaGamess()様より新作ボードゲーム 『Eden's Shadow』にて

先行販売 4月27日(土)4月ゲームマーケット2024春にて
一般販売 5月 2日(木)

引用RP(RT)先のHPに詳細がございますので、… https://t.co/gW97EdXx2Q https://t.co/p0JRhnGl6a

28 145

losing motivations to draw, I just wanna crawl on my bed, play games on emulators and cry until I d13

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Hi gamescom ! i hope i'm not late ! i'm interested to contribute ! 😭🙏

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DMMGAMES クリエイティブチームくまさん『ティンクルスターナイツ』にて「パテル」を担当させていただきました!

245 714

» UMA STARS|ウマ娘 プリティーダービー 公式ポータルサイト|Cygames https://t.co/t7Fwz9sWph

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(She discovered the games you secretly installed on your office computer)

273 1777

Was trying out pencils on this old sketch. If/when I do this comic I’m not gonna color it. Most of the world is unsafe for human habitation, humanity is close to extinction. But that’s not stopping them from doing stupid things like playing lethal games miles in the sky https://t.co/1hLOxxpIFm

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DMMGAMES『御城プロジェクト:RE』の8周年記念イラストを描かせていただきました~!🎊めでたすぎる!∞HACHI∞ https://t.co/sDIUR7hiDa

139 319

【お仕事告知】DMM GAMES『フラワーナイトガール』にて、フラワーメモリー「希望とともに歩いていく」のイラストを描かせていただきました。

178 420

Gilgamesh carrying Hakunon.
Despite how it looks, it's the most respectful way AUO can carry a person.

72 398

Concept art for Tasting Lightning a short series comic; Post Apoch, Action, Sci-fi, Ecchi. Chracters play a brutal game, like football ⚽️+ martial arts, while wearing high tech shoes that allow them to defy gravity. & do special moves. Games are played meters above ground

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I guess my plans where she can appear as a guy in other games aren't considered OOC because that could happen (thanks, reincarnation system!)

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