Jdsjwjbds et , j'ai rattraper mon retard je suis joie c:

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4 premiers dessins pour le ! j'essaie de m'y tenir cette fois :)

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Inktober Day 3, Three Eyes/Third Eye
Maybe I should draw more girls with more/less than 2 eyes? 🤔😏 this was fun!

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day 2 - Tranquil!

Today's my birthday so I decided to draw my mascot Nana to celebrate 💛

Also added a froggy for because she drew me the cutest gift!! Nana has a lil friend now 🐸

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⚫️ "
Day 1 Starting my Inktober with 🐱 Hoping to incorporate some of my creature anatomy study 📖 in coming days!!
Happy Inktober 2018 !

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