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14日目 Insect specimen

18 31

Steven stone my beloved my gay awakening
truly a fine specimen

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On we're pleased to announce the publication of a new specimen of Irajatherium hernandezi, a poorly known probainognathian from the of Brazil by ,

33 123

Today’s festive specimen is this herbarium sheet of holly (Ilex aquifolium) that has been used as a symbol of Christmas since medieval times. While the leaves of some holly species are used to make tea, the berries are toxic to humans.

14 32

beautiful specimen keep up the excellent work 🙂

111 2494

In all the world, only the gardener who tended to them could tell which was the good specimen

1219 6686

This amazing is on
- Secondary Market- diamond hands 💎💎 but not on sale so far.

I love it. And you??


4 14

Thanks Epik!

The collection:
👽100 unique (1/1) drawings
👽 47/ 100 minted on
👽 21 avalaible at 0.02Ξ
👽 21 avalaible at 0.03Ξ

0 0

Doodlin the Tryhardcatcat and a beautiful specimen on the moon.

3 29

Thanks for chiming in, Jason (). I'd indeed like to think that the antorbital fenestra and its function has been pretty well understood for almost 25 years (https://t.co/rCWrSWTlvQ—there's even RTMP specimens!)...altho' there's always more work to be done.

11 15

I shall hand u these fine specimens

0 2

Casual Tawna for Christmas or Christmas Pajama Tawna

Hmm...could there be more of this? 👀


1 0

Wanderful little detail for paleo fans that specimen ROM 768 is in the new Dinosauria short.
For those that dont know its the holotype of ParasaurolophusWalkeri thats shows a series of pathologies caused by what was most likely a tree tho they show signs of healing meaning that-

56 327

3/3 Of additional interest was that some birds appear to have been drawn from a skin specimen and not from nature hence this yellow appearing to hold a classic position …..

0 1

The collection:
👽100 unique (1/1) drawings
👽 47/ 100 minted on
👽 21 avalaible at 0.02Ξ
👽 21 avalaible at 0.03Ξ

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