пацифизм - новый экстремизм

2847 18358

The Chaos
… is a compressed chaos the last days and one hidden homicidal maniac does mischief. It’s my most public political artwork.


2 1


17 34

Сделала подборочку с полезными тредами о том, как россияне могут помочь Украине, чтобы не потерять. Может кому пригодится.

260 821

Thank you for the tag 😊

I did try to find matching pictures, I‘ve made, for that day with view to the - Love. Light.

I'd like to tag


10 23

Thank you for your support
I ask everyone to support Ukraine
Слава Україні ! Велика подяка всім хто боронить нашу Неньку від клятого ворога !

1 2

I have to do this. This NFT collection can just expose your thoughts, feelings and sentiments.

3 16

Make love not war 2.0
200 edition for 0 $XTZ
This is my art for everyone for free, I'm doing it for the second time because almost all 200 editions of the previous version were taken by one anonymous wallet (((
Be kind and hug your loved ones


7 34

Make the girls laugh, make the girls grow, don't let them see the sky dressed in fire and fear.

3 8

“Dove sono i “#pacifisti”?
“Sotto le come sempre”

Immenso Mauro, grazie...💔


“Il superamento della oggi come ieri, continuerà a essere la più delle nostre

oggi su

173 826

I have no insurance that I will not get rocket or nuked tomorrow... Who knows maybe it's time to raise voice? I live in and it's just around the corner in the ...

3 10