✨(especialmente trans)✨
Se vc gosta de jogos de plataforma/narrativa e quer ser PLAYTESTER do projeto de TCC do meu grupo me manda uma DM, você é nosso público alvo! 🎮
Quem puder dar um RT também ajuda muito! 💜

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went really well today! Plenty of bugs spotted, but better found than hidden! Now to blast through three pages of fixes. 🔧

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This was a very good week! Fundraising for PlaytestNW kicked-off to an awesome start and I completed my first week as a full-time game producer at Funko. Thank you <3 to everyone who has supported and cheered me on. Now to set even GRANDER goals for the future ;)

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Looking forward to running another playtest of tonight! If any designer says they don't like watching their game being tested I'll eat my hat! 🤠

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Thank you so much for joining me for more Ludum Dare playtesting today! Have a wonderful rest of your Thursday and tomorrow we'll be back to our normal coding streams and work on improving Rainbow Rampage a bit!

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Hello there!
Would you like to try out our brand new game?
We’re looking for a few Ireland-based people to pop by our lovely Dublin 8 studio for an hour or two to playtest our new game & offer feedback over the coming weeks.
Details here:

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Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the comments, likes, new follows, and retweets today re: Another playtest happening this weekend! Looking forward to showing more about it. I'm "this" close!

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Are you in the Tacoma, WA area? Would you like to help playtest The Siege of Luthadel? https://t.co/9JHOmKLjl5

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Super cool, there's now a public playtest packet for the wuxia melodrama PbtA RPG, "Hearts of Wulin" by and Agatha from

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She’s so tired after an intense playtesting session

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My newest character, Vardha. She's a Sylvorc (drow variant of my DM's half orc/half elf homebrew race). I'm playtesting Illrigger for her, and so far I have had a ton of fun! Her armor is a pain in the ass to draw though, so just sketch quality for now.

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The Scavenger Playtest is dropping tomorrow, are you ready? Did you subscribed for the newsletter?


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Lightning selfie 💕 thank you so much for your support on my yesterday's makeup test video 😍😘

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Although it's kind of redundant of me at this point to post anymore about this particular project, considering I've been busy with playtesting and working on another one, here's yet another shot of a map I haven't been working on lately that I need to return to at some point.

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We're gonna be holding our first public playtest this Saturday the 6th! Come down to Level Up Games in Santa Cruz and try the game with free refreshments!


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Another few hours of playtesting in. Always a pleasure seeing the game in action! Another 30 bugfixes to tend to! 💪

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Visit us at 's booth at and playtest Nekochaya Calicious! to get an exclusive XXL version of the "Cat Bully Cecilia" card!

You can find us in Hall 1, booth number D409 ✨

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No matter how many times I rewatch this GIF, I can't believe 🍞 Bread survived. Amazing reflexes on that dash button, mystery playtester from last night!

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