Seeing how my art looks with sepia toned and if I do a web comic it'll be in sepia.... Sepia good.
Semi Old art only sepiafied it.

1 9

So, I started a podcast with very dear (and funny) friends, called Lore Nocturno! ~'s in Spanish though >w<


5 17

Norman: Don't do the thing Mimi
Voodoo: Mimi,
Voodoo: do the thing!
Mimi and her friends: Yaaaaay!

1 6

I back from the death to give you the letter "I" from Inkling.

Now back to the cold grave of the crypt until the next week, bueno bye😋👋

1 1

Ford Pines, from 'Gravity Falls', my OC, Majo Stone and their three little children: the twins, Stella and Sten, and the baby, Shellie 🌲

1 9

Never posted this. Coming up with unique Zodiac characters is turning out hard then I expected. Here’s a Taurus idea, his name is Trevor.

2 14

Seguindo, refiz o da pois achei que pudesse colocar mais estilo na arte e nossa, amei muito essa nova versão

1 12