James Rosenquist was born on this day in 1933. He called this work, titled “Zone,” his first fully Pop Art painting, which he created not long after he quit his job as a billboard artist. https://t.co/LB5wsCwXn6

On view in "Pop Art: A New Vernacular." https://t.co/vFMQ9uUnxU

6 15

taking a punt on , first web3 twitter competitor... they're airdropping governance tokens for early users too. only way in right now is hold yacht nft or get invited - i have a few invite codes to give out - just follow me, rt and tag someone....

12 14

Cento volte al giorno ripete:
“Devo tornare,qui regna l’inclemenza.
Laggiù il bene e il calore e…”
Poi tace
Gli chiedo: “laggiù,dov’è?”
Egli indica la direzione con la mano
E il suo volto perde i tratti
Poi tace
Lo prendo per mano e in un angolo tranquillo della

15 24

Verna Greymantle (she/her)
Cleric (Forge Domain)

2 1

Mobile phone wallpapers of the 24 solar terms album. (part.1)

『Spring Commences』
『Insects Waken』
『Vernal Equinox』
This is the version with text removed.
It’s convenient for everyone to use it as a mobile phone wallpaper.😉

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