A little late, last one for and Prompts and … Thank you so much Everyone for all of the likes Rts and kindness! ❤️ Happy Halloween and November 1st. .. ⁦ ⁩ 🦉🌕

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Birdtober day 23: Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius).
I'm going slowly, sorry. I've been sick for a few days and it's hard to be creative in these conditions. 😷🤕

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Birdtober Day 15: Red

A common songbird found through out eastern North America, often can be seen at backyard bird feeders. The males bright red plumage has made it a favorite of many, birders and non-birders alike.

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Day 29 - Crest / Plume

The African Crowned Crane is such a funky bird. 😍Those incredible head feathers are so striking. But they do always remind me of a fluffy white dandelion. 😂❤️

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One for prompt . One for … Just some of the shenanigans that go on here during the day. Wishing Everyone a flamingtabulous Friday! 🦩💜

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Birdtober Day 12: Unique beak
The Red Crossbill is an irruptive finch species that makes its way south into Central New York. Their crossbill is perfect for extracting seeds from unopened cones.

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Birdtober Day 11: Oceans
In Central New York, we do get the occasional seabird passing through Lake Ontario. One of those migrants is the Black-legged Kittiwake.

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Took some time this afternoon to break out my iPad after a few weeks to enjoy the session from and the ation . Here’s my great horned owl, who it was a hoot to draw! Can’t wait for the next session.

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Hi! 🙂 Birdtober day 18: Snow Bunting (Plectophenax nivalis). 🐦

This time I chose to paint a female because I found her prettier than the male, which is not often the case with birds!

Have a wonderful Sunday!! 🌸

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Day 23 - Song

I usually wake up to the calls of the Blackbird outside my window. 🎶

Have a listen; such pretty sounds! 😊❤️

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Birdtober Day 7: Free Choice
This species is only seen in New York as it migrates back and forth from their breeding grounds way up in the Arctic tundra and their wintering grounds in southern North America and Central America.

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Back on track for , this is Billiam Von Bumbershoot the good witch!

She is looking up how to make more millet with her spider butler close at hand.

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Birdtober Day 5: Locally Threatened
While the Northern Harrier may be a species of low concern, in New York they are listed as Threatened. Like many grassland birds, there are steep declines in their population, with habitat loss being a main cause of their decline.

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Day 17 - Extinct

In the 1800's, there were over 5 billion Passenger Pigeons in the US.

The last in the wild was shot in 1900. We hunted them to extinction.

The last of the species, Martha, died in Cincinnati Zoo in 1914. She was 29 yrs old.

Will we ever learn?

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